When the Landman knocks on your door and informs you that a gas company is interested in leasing your Oil & Gas Minerals or, if you know you own the Oil & Gas Minerals and want to get them leased, your first thought should be, I need to hire Land & Mineral Management of Appalachia (LMMA). I want to make sure I get the market value for my minerals and that I and my heirs are properly protected throughout the life of this lease. I also want a better understanding of what I am signing and how the Oil & Gas Process will affect my life and property.
LMMA’s business model is set up to keep costs as low as possible while working with experts who can make the leasing process as painless as possible. LMMA minimizes the worries and misunderstandings commonly experienced by Mineral Owners when dealing with the gas industry. From Managing the negotiation process to making sure the Oil & Gas Company is paying what they agreed to pay, LMMA can make your life easier while ensuring you are receiving maximum revenues from your assets.